Job Vacancies
Why Join Nova Care Solutions?
Nova Care Solutions is a quality-led staffing agency specialising in health and social care. We provide provide short/long term agency care to care providers. Our staff are highly qualified and skilled Live-In Carers and health care professionals across the UK.
As an organisation we treat our carers like we would like to be treated. Our owners have also been carers in the past. We have an excellent starting salary, we contribute to our caregivers travel or mileage. We also provide regular loyalty bonuses based on the length of service. We can guarantee a better pay with regular increases. We also like to organise social events for our care and office staff (we do love a BBQ and Christmas work party!).
Current areas of recruitment
Nova Care Solutions are recruiting 24/7 Live-In carers and residential carers across the UK. We invite applications from highly motivated individuals who are interested in a career in care, and would like to join our diverse and growing company of healthcare professionals by sending an email to:
Personal Development doesn’t stop with us. Our employees have the opportunity throughout their career at Nova Care Solutions to refresh or gain more knowledge, skills, and continuous career development. As an agency provider of health and social care professionals, we do regular reviews with our employees to develop areas that we can improve on. This allows us as a team of professionals to provide highly qualified carers to service users.
At Nova Care we care about our employees. We like to take care of our care staff and support them throughout their career. Therefore, we celebrate success of our staff through recognition of their dedication to work, providing high-quality care and adhering to our standards. As a business we are dedicated to providing equal opportunities to everyone that comes to us at Nova Care Solutions, as we take pride in displaying our Disability Confident Logo.

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